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Corporate Challenge



To encourage companies to involve their employees in physical activities through the sport of triathlon. All companies are invited to register and form one or more teams for this sport challenge. Triathlon is an excellent physical activity and would help your company to have healthy employees!​




Each team will be composed of three people from the same company.​


Each team must have at least one woman.​


One team member will complete a 750m swim, a second member a 20km bike and the last one, a 5km run (which is the Sprint distance).​


One timing chip will be exchanged between team members near the bike in the transition area.​




The teams finishing in the top three will respectively receive gold, silver and bronze medals.​


The winning team will be awarded with the Corporate Challenge Trophy for the Sprint distance at the Gatineau Triathlon. We will engrave the names of the company and the year on the trophy. The trophy may be displayed in the offices of the winning company until the next year's Challenge..​


Cette équipe recevra également une inscription gratuite à la prochaine édition du triathlon pour défendre son titre.​


The winning team will automatically be registered for the next year's Corporate Challenge edition to defend their title :​

- The winning team will receive a cheque of $1,000 for the charity of their choice.

- The team finishing second will receive a cheque of $500 for the charity of their choice.​

-  The team finishing third will receive a cheque of $300 for the charity of their choice.​


You can get a PDF version of the Corporate Challenge here.​


So go ahead, don’t wait. Assemble a team and register for the Gatineau Triathlon Corporate Challenge. Have a great training season and we look forward to meeting you at the finish line.​


Au plaisir de vous rencontrer au Triathlon de Gatineau.​

Triathlon Gatineau

CP 11071, GATINEAU, J9A 0B6​

©️ 2024 Triathlon Gatineau - Created by CréationsGL

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